This is how we Dreem Reality

Our Mission: To educate ourselves and others on the environmental, social, and economic aspects of sustainability through the creation and sharing of research, specialty projects, and hands-on experience. To develop an Education and Research Eco-Facility to explore, enact, and demonstrate sustainability in a community setting.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

DreemGardens Evolution & Big Earth House

On Saturday, Sept 15 we met up with one of our first potential DreemGardens of the new phase of the program. In the past, we rapid-fire assisted in Gardens - setting up a date with home owners and encouraging as many Dreemers to attend as could. We then provided many hands to make light work of whatever the host wanted done to their garden. This was fantastic, and we were able to have a hand in the creation or evolution of 6 different gardens within 2 months! (Check out our YouTube Channel: DreemTV , to see our work together) Each weekend brought new Dreemers to connect, work together, and create with one another. We provided a great service and built our family stronger. From these events, new leaders emerged with a passion to further the effectiveness of these work parties. Giovanna, Theresa, and Shiree have now spearheaded the DreemGarden project, and to learn more about them please see their bios! We sat together to explore how DreemGardens could really evolve, and what was missing. Deciding that we should be taking more adventage of educational opportunities for both volunteers and hosts they came up with the new 4 step approach. 1) Potential hosts complete an information form to share their goals and other specifics. 2) A team of specialized Dreemers visits the location to do an evaluation of the property, the hosts needs and desires, the soil/sun/water situation, and the possible workshop opportunities for volunteers 3) The team constructs a proposal to the hosts that includes an evaluation of their goals, what our specialists believe is advantageous, and some concrete plans for their space 4) A work party is organized based on all this, including volunteers, hands-on experience, and free workshops for those that attend! Thismost certainly involves more of an investment of time and energy by the leaders, but we feel it is worth it! Hopefully the hosts do as well and will feel confident in making a contribution to help further the program! So! The Big Earth House urban EcoVillage, located in down town Santa Cruz, one of our first preconsulations of this evolved approach. We thought this would be a great opportunity to get involved with a local intentional community, expand our educational opportunities, and expose Dreemers to the potentials of cooperative culture and livin g situations. On Sept 15 we met with the residents of Big Earth House to discuss and explore their garden. They have a lovely victorian home with several different gardenspaces - all of which are presently planted wit It was an excellent opportunity for us all to learn about this process, and we thank the residents of Big Earth House for their p atience as we assemble our first proposal. In the mean time, I'd like to share the notes taken from the meeting that we intend to construct our proposal from. (A special thanks to Shiree for scribing and Giovanna for transcribing to the digital realm)h a variety of fruits and vegetables! As we toured the property together, they pointed out where they would like to see more production and how they may need guidance with different elements.  
Big Earth House ~ Garden Consultation Notes (9/15/12)
Present: Dani, Shiree, Theresa, Giovanna
Gardeners: Caro and Randall
Front Yard: ~ Cob benches in front yard, possibility for neighborhood cob workshop ~ Move “butterfly plant” to full sun ~ Existing ivy groundcover under olive tree, perhaps another useful groundcover instead? ~ Olive tree removal or pruning? ~ Apricot tree fungus – a natural control? ~ 2 Apple’s, Asian pear, Olive: create a shady understory ~ Lemon with a black fuzzy disease? ~ Consider companion plants for fruit trees! ~ Clay soil in front West bed lacks drainage ~ Front beds in East corner need better utilization ~ What veggies and smaller plants were present here?   East Side-yard: ~ Rocky, maybe raised beds/straw bale? ~ Jupiter's beard is prevalent - research nutrients it gives to soil/what it likes (will tell us a lot      about the current soil conditions) ~ Many plants in pots, and those in ground need more frequent watering ~ Caro was not sure if those living on this side wanted our help?   Backyard: ~ History – rototilled concrete, deep soil or perhaps not? ~ Compost – maybe could use some straw, two bales positive for shifting out good stuff! ~ Raised bed with squash and carrots, amendment for soil needed? ~ Salvia, Tomatoes, and what other plants were in this space?? (Bring camera, and permission for pictures next time I think…)   West side-yard: ~ Tomato plant, what does it need? Yellowing, wilting, not nearly as happy as backyard tomato ~ Raspberry needs also not being met? Yellowing, browning, wilting… Perhaps a soil test is in order? ~ Pete Moss to assist the blueberry? ~ Tall person to trim tall tree up against house ~ Build or move soil around lemon so that it retains more water   Overall: ~ Possible workshops are cob building benches and assessing ecosystems for companion planting ~ BEH wants – low maintenance, everything more utilized, more food, flowers and veggies, and moving toward nurturing the existing ecosystem!  

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