This is how we Dreem Reality

Our Mission: To educate ourselves and others on the environmental, social, and economic aspects of sustainability through the creation and sharing of research, specialty projects, and hands-on experience. To develop an Education and Research Eco-Facility to explore, enact, and demonstrate sustainability in a community setting.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

DreemCouncil Recap! (7.13.12 meeting)

DreemCouncil Meet Up!

On Friday the 13th of July, we held our first ever DreemCouncil at Nisene Marks State Park, of Santa Cruz.

Our goal for creating DreemCouncil is to bring together all Dreemers to meet and discuss the status and evolution of Dreem Reality. We want to honor that this is an organization of many, and that it is fueled by the empowerment of the many participators. So our intention was to gather in an outdoor location to share ideas - and we did!

We had a beautiful group of six Dreemers: Theresa, Giovanna, Megan, Kita (new Dreemer!), Melinda and Dani. Hiking in the secret entrance that Giovanna is familiar with, we found a wonderful sunny spot next to the creek to hold our meeting.

I truly appreciate all of the input from everyone, and I know that we will be evolving so quickly from our combined creation!

Below is a recap of the discussion we had together:

DreemCouncil Recap

Where: Nisene Marks State Park
Time: 2 – 4pm
Present: Dani, Melinda, Thereasa, Giovanna, Megan, Kita

Topics Discussed

DreemGarden Evolution
·      Establish a mission statement/vision
o   Empowerment of hosts instead of providing only a service for them
·      Activate education more, incorporate pre-meeting and consulting
o   Discuss plans/goals of garden, look into permits and rebates for future of their garden
o   Give estimated “worth” of work
o   Insist on host’s participation and education
·      Low-income, high need gardens
o   Go into areas that need the education and assistance more
o   Use consulting step to develop infrastructure and “army” to tackle low-income evolution
·      Team assembling!
o   Giovanna, Theresea, Shiree (?) to take the lead
o   Meeting planned this upcoming week to discuss infrastructure and process of evolution

·      Engage Enviromental Education for the Next Generation
o   Field trips to DreemGardens, gardens in schools,

·      Begin collaborating with local business/sponsors (member fees, contracts?)
·      Establish a Collective Garden produce swap on facebook
·      Member cards – fees to be part of collective? Volunteer to be part of?

Interns and Leaders
·      Create “job descriptions” and post on Facebook
·      Look to colleges for intern programs
o   Community studies, sustainable food system, systematic engeneering, no-profit admin program, horticulture, film, business admin

DreemCouncil Provides…
·      Kita – reclaimed building and gardening supplies for Library, Rose (art collective looking to connect), cobb building experience
·      Megan – cobb building paper/book

·      Giovanna – Lloyd Kahn, editor of Mother Earth Magazine (home in SF to see), Permaculture and cobb greenhouse workshop at home

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