Clif Bar Family Foundation Grant Submitted!
Now, we'd like to share our answers to the grant application questions. It's important to us that you all know what we are working for together! We hope that these answers appropriately represent what your perception and experience with Dreem Reality has been.
Please feel free to share your thoughts with us!
Clif Bar Family Foundational Grant
Mission: Cliff Bar Family Foundation supports innovative small and mid-sized groups working to strengthen our food system and our communities, enhance public health, and safegaurd our environment and natural resources.
Requested Amount: $15,000
Request for: General Support (with a focus on developing DreemGardens)
Application Questions:
1. What is unique about your approach?
From the reactions of those we interact with, be them volunteers, event hosts, or others that have never heard of us before, we do feel as though we have a unique approach to accomplish our mission. By anticipating the rippling effect of change from a micro to macrocosm, we are proud to begin our work with ourselves as members of a educational collective, spreading it outward to our neighbors of all ages, surrounding community, and beyond.
The roots of our organization are set in our acronym for D.r.e.e.m. - discover, research, educate, evolve, manifest Reality! Reaching up from those roots, Dreem Reality is like the trunk of a sturdy growing tree that embodies the core value of bringing people together in a tight-nit community to create and learn together. The branches of this DreemTree represent the ever expanding projects to activate our mission and provide the fruit to share with others. Each of these projects are brought to life by the passion of our Dreemers, who we openly embrace as leaders, decision makers, creators, and DreemCouncil members.
Our projects branch from freely accessible online videos and documentaries (Youtube: DreemTV), to ongoing research projects (The EcoVillage Research Project), to education about growing and making food with adults and children (DreemGardens, DreemKitchen, and DreemSprouts). Presently, DreemGardens is our most unique and fruitful project with a mission to "empower individuals and community toward sustainable food systems by building a collective of volunteers, gardeners, and local businesses to share education and resources".
Through DreemGardens and the other branches of the DreemTree, we seek to bring people together as a community; and through our connection with nature we are reclaiming our place in this Earth's ecosystem. We are eager to share the unique "hows" and "whys" as this application continues!
2. What is the purpose of this project? In a few sentences, state what the project is designed to accomplish.
The ultimate purpose of Dreem Reality lies in the deep-rooted passion we all share to make our society and environment a co-existing organism. The highest focus within this idea is education. We feel that our society has come to a place far removed from the natural world and we aim to rekindle this fundamental relationship step by step. One such step is through the joy and fulfillment of creating a garden and reaping its fruits, via DreemGardens.
Our intention for this project is to assist home gardeners to establish their garden, in an effort to educate ourselves, our volunteers, and the hosts - all of whom are considered "Dreemers". By using principles of permaculture and self observation, we seek to address all elements of a project with time and care. We plan to provide a pre-consultation of specialists to evaluate the most sustainable options (native plants, seasonal, light requirements) as well as potential educational opportunities. Next, we will activate a work party of volunteers to provide many hands to make light work. All the while learning together on focused topics such as irrigation, composting, food forests, etc. Each work party has the potential to become a free workshop for our on-site Dreemers as well as viewers of the follow up video posted online.
Furthermore, we realize the utmost importance to reach out to children as the seeds of change for the future. DreemSprouts is a focused off-shoot of DreemGardens that is specifically aimed at at youth education in the garden. With a growing team of specialists in this arena, we plan to create curriculums, activities, and workshops with this mission.
As garden after garden is established, and education continues to spread throughout our local community, we intend to take our purpose beyond our county lines. Reaching out to lower income communities and eventually to establish an educational headquarters to provide more learning opportunities!
3. What is the project designed to accomplish? Please list specific goals of the project.
To be more direct about the goals of the organization, specifically DreemGardens, we'd like to share a story that has been an inspiration to drive on. Natalie, a first time gardener, is a perfect example, and can be seen on our "What is DreemGardens?" video on Youtube. She had never set foot in a garden before her first work party and since has become one of our most enthusiastic Dreemers! It has been a great goal of ours to motivate people to take matters into their own hands, creating the change and growing a community of like minded Dreemers along the way.
In addition to empowering more Dreemers like Natalie, we intend to accomplish the following, which the Clif Bar Family Foundation will be a resounding part of:
- Evolve the reach of our educational methods for each new garden host and the attending Dreemers (by pre-consulting, hiring specialists and leaders, improving work parties, and follow up education)
- Develop and deliver various curriculums, workshops, activities, seminars, lectures, etc. to share with classrooms, individuals, groups, and other organizations
- Establish the DreemCollective - a membership network that connects individuals with local businesses and organizations, supporting the local economy and strengthening the community
- Reach out into the youth, low-income, and disabled communities to provide hands-on learning experiences for these powerful populations
- Locate a space in which to begin a community garden that will allow for on-site workshops, harvest celebrations, and a year round DreemKitchen providing free food from the abundance of the garden
- Create a Tool and Resource Library to rent out tools, books, and seeds, throughout the DreemCollective, reducing consumption and building community resources
As our goals are neared and reached more continue to blossom! We are enthusiastic about this, especially as our family of Dreemers grows and they find a place to activate their passions within the organization and projects.
4. How do the proposed activities bring about positive change?
We believe that our mission toward sustainability is synonymous with a mission for positive change that Clif Bar is seeking to support. To clarify, we'd like to provide our definition of sustainability as it has come to be a commonly used word in today's culture. Sustainability is the ability of a system to endure through the healthy cooperation of environmental, social, and economic elements. Positive change implies both progressive and lasting change, which we feel includes the necessity of a sustainable system.
Our overall mission for sustainability is enacted specifically through our branching projects, each having a particular approach to education and community building. As is broken down on our website's project page, DreemGardens contributes to sustainable positive change in each of the major elements. (
- Organic gardening decreases the wide spread use of pesticides and fertilizers that contaminate our earth and water supplies
- Buying and growing locally decreases the need to transport food over long distances, which contributes to global warming and petro-fuel dependency
- Gardening collectives and community gardens empower people to connect and create with each other, strengthening the shared human experience
- Educating the next generation to continue sustainable practices and community building
- Growing one's own garden is less expensive than buying at a grocery story -- especially when it comes to organic produce!
- By supporting farmers markets and CSAs we are keeping our money local and supporting the hardworking farmers of our region
- The DreemCollective supports local businesses
Finally, we believe that the above outcomes of our project's activities are made truly sustainable by the sharing of education. To reference a well known addage, it is more powerful to teach a man to fish than to give a man a fish - especially if that man will then go on to teach others as well.
5. How will this project or program help sustain or further your organization's mission?
Once again, Dreem Reality's mission is "to educate ourselves and others on the environmental, social, and economic aspects of sustainability through the creation and sharing of research, specialty projects, and hands-on experience. To develop an Education and Research Eco-Facility to explore, enact, and demonstrate sustainability in a community setting".
As we've discussed throughout this grant application, DreemGardens is a project that enacts research (in efforts to educate others effectively), various speciality projects (such as DreemKitchen and DreemSprouts), and good-n-dirty hands on experience (through work parties and events). Also, it is active in all elements of our definitition of sustianability as was seen in the privious section. Furthermore, in our efforts to learn as we create we are preparing for our long term goal of an Education and Research Eco-Facility (or headquarters) that will allow us to initiate all the lessons of community building, team work, leadership, food production, documentation, teaching, and more.
By now, the Clif Bar grant committee is probably aware that DreemGardens is our most grass-roots and hands-on project that directly fulfills our mission. As it continues to blossom as a branch to the DreemTree, its fruits will be nutritious and plentiful to those we can reach. Through our accomplished goals, present work, and future development it continues to educate within the organization's leadership, the active Dreemers, the surrounding community, and hopefully the world!
6. Where will additional funding come from not only to support the project, but to sustain it?
As we are a non-profit, we offer services and education for free accepting donations when our hosts and supporters are so moved. Of course we are researching grants that support our goals. Fundraisers are another avenue of monetary accumulation as well as educational workshops with our certified staff.
7. How will success be defined and how will you quantify it?
Success is absolutely a continuous journey for Dreem Reality! We are happy to define some quantifiable goals in order to motivate our Dreemers and set sites for the next year. With the assistance of the Clif Bar Family Foundation we intend to:
- Creating at least 24 home gardens, with fully evaluated and established sustainable gardens
- Begin the DreemCollective - establishing a membership system and commitment from at least 10 cooperating local businesses and organizations
- Build a substantial Tool and Resource Library for members to take advantage of
- Complete a full scale educational presentation and or curriculum to share with classes and relevant groups
- Employee 5 Dreemers to continue to lead and evolve Dreem Reality and DreemGardens to its fullest potential
Though we are positive more goals will blossom, these are some big ones we'd like to accomplish!
8. What other organizations do the same or similar work and/or compliment your work?
Similar organizations and a bit about them:
- The Homeless Garden Project - provides job training, transitional employment and support services to people who are homeless. HGP's vibrant education and volunteer program for the broad community blends formal, experiential and service-learning. The programs take place in our 3-acre organic farm and related enterprises.
- Food Shift - Food Shift is an Earth Island Institute sponsored project dedicated to building a more just and sustainable food system that curbs waste, empowers communities, respects the environment and nourishes all. Food Shift educates and empowers consumers, businesses and communities by increasing awareness about food waste and inspiring food related behavior change. By trimming our waste and diverting food loss, we can feed the hungry, create jobs, combat global warming, conserve natural resources, and cultivate more sustainable communities.
- Food not Lawns - Now international, Food not Lawns encourages people to turn their yards into gardens and their neighborhoods into communities.
- Food not Bombs is a similar organization to Food not Lawns with the shared vision of investing in home gardens rather than the high amount of money spent on military defense.
- Environmental Education for the Next Generation - provides education to kids in classrooms about gardening
That's it!
Let's put all of our intention into receiving this grant so that we can continue to blossom in leaps and bounds!
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