This is how we Dreem Reality

Our Mission: To educate ourselves and others on the environmental, social, and economic aspects of sustainability through the creation and sharing of research, specialty projects, and hands-on experience. To develop an Education and Research Eco-Facility to explore, enact, and demonstrate sustainability in a community setting.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Santa Cruz Pride Booth

Happy Pride!

This past Sunday, June 3, we held another booth at the Santa Cruz Pride event on Pacific, downtown. An incredibly beautiful day with blue skies, perfect weather, and many many happy people to wander the event and stop in to see what Dreem Reality is up to. We specifically enjoy having a booth at Pride events because Dreem Reality has a significant number of Dreemers that are part of the LGBT community, including our Directors! 

Once again, we offered "Free H20 4 U" in honor of the "Water Awareness...Down the Drain" documentary andDreemTV's growing presence. Additionally we featured our DreemArt, front and center which added such a draw to the booth. Also, our Director Ashley Coatney (and EarthOm) donated her handmade bath salts and incense to the cause, which we burned all day. All of these were great ways to engage people and recruit them forDreemGardens and other enthusiasm.

In the end we got about 20 new mailing list members, including
  • Chris, a Storm Water Quality Consultant who we intend to follow up with for the large scale "Down the Drain" documentary
  • Ken, a permaculture landscaping teacher of Terra Nova Landscaping inlvolved with "Grow Food Party Crew" and which is extremely similar to DreemGarden's mission 
  • Several mamas that are interested in having Dreemers come work in their garden
  • A fruit tree specialist, and many more wonderful people!

Overall, another wonderful DreemEvent to spread the word and the mission!

Thanks for those that stopped by and joined the DreemTeam!

And as always, if you are interested in hosting a DreemGarden work party - please fill in this form so we can get you scheduled in!

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Friday, June 1, 2012

Ideas about Pests in your garden!

Recently, I have taken a real interest in bugs in the garden. Not just the bugs, but what they do. 

We just finished out our Spring Semester Edible Landscaping class, which had a large focus on pollination, pests, weeds, and all that good stuff. I'd like to share some of the notes I have on the topic and perhaps give an update on the status of the Phoenix Garden very soon!

I have also scanned the notes from this particular lecture we received on "Biological Balance with Insects" to share with you all if you're interested. I'd like to thank our professor Lisa McAndrews for her excellent and inspiring teaching this semester!

Some words of wisdom:
  • No garden, not even a well-tended one, is immune to pests & disease
  • Diversity is the key to a healthy landscape (if same plants together, easy for pests that like it to spread to neighbor plant)
  • Without "pests", the predatory and parasitic insects would not be able to reproduce (and thus eat your "pests"
  • The primary way to deter garden pests is by keeping healthy plants in a thriving, diverse garden environment. (healthy soil, choosing the right varieties for your local climate, rotating vegetables & keeping plants evenly watered & fed)
  • Healthy plant attract fewer pests
Some info on pesticide use:

  • Synthetic chemicals to control pests have been routing in the last 40-50 years. 
  • Despite the use of pesticides, no pests have been "eradicated"
  • Pesticides cause the death of valuable beneficial bugs (more sensitive and breed less) that will in turn keep other insect populations in check
  • Forced to adapt to chemical attacks, insects mutate and survive - developing resistance to pesticides and needing more intense dosage
  • Particularly harmful to bees that are unable to breakdown pesticides - they are extremely sensitive since they are intended to pick up small particles
Alternative to Pesticides: Integrated Pest Management
  • Based on management of pests rather than eradication - choosing appropriate plants and giving them good growing conditions
  • Physical controls such as traps and barriers
  • Pheromone traps - to track population patterns
  • Biological controls - releasing natural enemies & disease-causing micros that attack pests (the predator & prey approach)
  • Diversity of plants - so pests can't find favorite plants so easy
  • Few insects and mites, sow bugs, earwigs, snails & slugs are "pests"
  • Most insects are either neutral or beneficial to your purposes 
Notes on the "Good Guy Bugs" (or Beneficials)
  • Beneficials will do most pest control for you (LacewingsHoverfly larva, and Ladybugs eat aphids) - problem is recognizing them and their larval stages
  • 2 Main groups of good bugs: predators eat "bad bugs" - ladybugs, lacewing
  • Parasitoids lay eggs in the bodies of bad bugs who eat their way out - wasps, syrphid (hover) fly
  • Patience is the key to pest control 
  • The population of "bad bugs" has to build up to a significant level before the predators will come to handle the problem
  • Won't kill all the pests because need to leave food for next generation
  • Some pests don't have natural predators here - brown snail and japanese beetle. If use pesticides make sure are natural and only effect them or upset balance of other insects in the garden
Attracting Beneficials
For more details on these notes, please see our DreemGarden informational page for resources!

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