This is how we Dreem Reality

Our Mission: To educate ourselves and others on the environmental, social, and economic aspects of sustainability through the creation and sharing of research, specialty projects, and hands-on experience. To develop an Education and Research Eco-Facility to explore, enact, and demonstrate sustainability in a community setting.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Water Awareness...Down the Drain- An Educational Documentary

Water Awareness video history

The making of!

As you may have seen in the video, our intention in creating this Documentary was to not only educate others about “What happens to the water after the drain?”...but ourselves! We had no idea. So, we vowed to find out and quickly the opportunity arose.

We met Mark Westwind in February 2011, at a fundraising event in Berkeley and happily connected with him. He has an incredible history of creating organizations, community gardens, and facilitating many projects. He provided us with an opportunity to work with the Digital Safari Academy at Mt. Diablo High School in Concord, CA. The Academy guides students through a career skill building path, and this one was focused on media production.

Our first meeting at the Academy was great! We met Randy Depew, the teacher and incredibly giving mentor for a group of students we had been partnered with. Winnie Wambui, Qua’Tasia Williams, Brenda Bach, and Nina Tran - “The Girls” as we came to refer to them as - were a great match for us. Their assignment was to provide D.r.e.e.m. Reality with a marketing packet consisting of a printed item (brochure, logo), digital (web design, photos), and finally an educational video. I think the video was all of our favorite part!

From February to May, we worked with “The Girls” on the various projects every Monday. Then on May 18th, we all took a trip to West County Wastewater District in Richmond, CA to interview and tour the facility with Joe Neugebauer. Randy, the ladies’ teacher, was kind enough to drive and chaperone them that day. Joe was wonderful - super friendly and full of great information, where would we be without his openness to explore with us. The girls took a ton of footage around the facility, which is what you will see in the video.

After the incredibly informative tour and interview with Joe, we took the footage and tried to see what we could make of it. There was so much footage and too little time before the end of the semester for the girls. So the Water Awareness video sat dormant from May 2011 until Feb 2012, almost a whole year! A heap of footage that we slowly organized into usable categories.

Finally the time came to re-connect with Jason Raggio, an up and coming film editor that we met in Hawaii on a research project - slash - adventure. He is eager to turn film editing into his full-time career and we are enthusiastic to try and make that happen with DreemTV. We quickly began putting the “Water Awareness...Down the Drain” video together in order to premier it on March 18th for Earth Week on Cabrillo Community College. During that month Jason and I would discuss the script, review drafts, recorded music, expand audios on Jason’s time-off.

Also during that month we evolved the documentary to include “on the street” interviews. We asked people what they thought happened to the water before and after treated, and about cleaning products - as that was the initial motivation and curiosity for the video’s creation. Using Joe’s educational interview and tour, we re-narrated the script and added in extra footage we shot.

The documentary was a hit on campus! Viewers laughed and asked questions, seeming to take in the great information we all learned together. Before launching it on youtube and vimeo it was a true priority to add closed captioning to the video. What a process that is, but we did it. With a heart for the Deaf community and growing support from its members, we are proud to reach out and educate as many people as we can!

So, we’d like to thank each and everyone that co-created this documentary with us - whether it was filming, facilitating, editing, interviewing, have all been a crucial part in this great first step in launching DreemTV as our educational video venue.

Enjoy the movie!


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Monday, April 23, 2012

DreemGardens Inauguration!

DreemGardens: First official gathering!

DreemGardens are officially kicked off! Because of the enthusiastic responses received for our project during Earth Week, we decided to gather that weekend to publically kick off the beginnings of DreemGardens. Lots of incredible ideas were churning around for the initial location and since we are wanting to include local businesses with our project, we decided to ask the Windmill Cafe if they wanted to join us. They were very excited about the opportunity! It is great because the Windmill Cafe is a historical Santa Cruz landmark that has been around since the early 1920’s. They originally were a bulb farm and flower shop and many different styles of Cafe’s. Now the Windmill is prospering greatly from their new owners, the best part is that that they have a blooming gardening space that they use for growing organic food for their customers.

Pre-meeting at the cafe we had to get a lot of organization in place for the event. Dani created some good release of liability waivers and a questioner for our volunteers of what they see their level of involvement being for our projects. We also developed an information pamphlet for our DreemGardens vision, which have been flying out the door. We both were riding an incredible wave of potential-filled energy that we had been constantly receiving for our developing project.

Just in the past week we had 60 new DreemGardeners sign up for our future projcts. We weren’t sure of how many would be showing up for this first event. It could have been 5-60 people, which is a huge margin! So we came prepared for many, with enough waivers and food to supply as many Dreemers as possible. 

The morning of the gathering I went to Costco to get some gear for the day. I bought compostable silverware, paper plates and plastic cups (which we can wash and re-use). We really want to find plastic plates that we can use, and re-use--that to come soon. I made a bunch of hummus for our volunteers while our friend and fellow DreemGardener, Jonathan, creatively put our DreemGarden sign on a shovel for our meeting at the Farmers Market so Dreemers could find us there.

When we showed up at the Farmers Market, I was stopped a few times and asked about DreemGardens just because of my sign. A few more people gained interest and desire for our project.  We then headed over to the Windmill Cafe and meet with the owner, Mary, to see about what she wanted created in her garden. She informed us one bed needed to be filled in and the other dug up and set with a gopher wire. Also there was a plant called “naked ladies” to pull up and new plants to transplant from our Diggin’ In project.

At this point there were 6 Dreemers present. Initially I was anxiously awaiting more to arrive, but soon felt the number of people and the type of people there were absolutely perfect. We had just the right amount of crew for the days work, and it was small enough of a group to intimately get to know one another. We held a circle to share names and our vision for this project. We made it clear that this is the very beginnings and we are all the seeds for this project and what it will grow into. It was absolutely thrilling to hear the different reasons of being there and the visions for the future. Jonathan expressed how he is very excited to develop a community of family to work, share and rely upon. This warmed my heart since its the same vision that we have for this project. 

I would love to share a bit about our new and established Dreemers visions:

Jonathan has been a wonderful new addition to the team as he is a hard and skilled worker that is sharing the same vision we have for DreemGardens and what it will grow into. He is self propelled and a natural leader. We feel very blessed to have him as a part of our DreemTeam.  Jonathan expressed how he is very excited to develop a community of family to work, share and rely upon. This warmed my heart since its the same vision that we have for this project.

Billy expressed how he initially became interested in the project through our booth at Earth Week because of our poster with our D.r.e.e.m. accronym of “Manifest Reality”. He said he didn’t even need to see more to know he was in the right place. He expressed that he is a “do-er” and a “feeler” and that is what lead him to come. I feel blessed to have that sort of response for someone and look forward to creating more fulfilling projects for Billy, and others, that lead them to create within. Billy is also manifesting awareness that “everyone is going conscious”. He has a website dedicated to that vision and we are happy to create with him to manifest that common vision we share. Visit his vision here:

We also established a new Dreemer named Kyle, who had heard about our garden project through Mary, the owner of the Windmill Cafe. He was initially quite skeptical of our project and even joked around with us in our meeting circle when we expressed that this was the very beginning, saying “Ahh I see, well I’m gonna head out, why don’t you call me when you are all established”. He of course stuck around for the whole event and was such an important part of our day. He worked extremely hard and shared a lot of knowledge about what to do and how to do it. At the end of the day, when we were talking about our tool library we wish to grow, he donated to us a shovel! We were so thrilled and joy-filled that he said he would be right back. He came back with 2 more shovels and a rake!!! We are very grateful for these gifts. We offered him a letter of acknowledgement for his donations so he could write it off. He wasn’t interested in that and just wanted to give them to us. Our Tool Library is officially growing!

Our other Dreemer, Giovanna, expressed her desire to work with us just about every weekend! She has been with us as a Dreemer for over a month now, and will be going to the 5 week permaculture course in Oregon at Lost Valley that we have facilitated (we have been in communication with their program and have received a reduction in the course fees due to our non-profit and shared goals with Lost Valley). She is going into her Masters program for permaculture related things and so is very enthusiastic about working with us.

So, the day went by with our DreemGardeners very smoothy. I had a lot of fun getting to know like-minded souls and it is so fulfilling to create with others. My favorite part of the day was seeing the fruit of our labor in front of us, the beds all dug up and the new plants happily transplanted into their new homes. We all stood around and crossed off our completed ‘“to-do” list for the day and even got to do a “Dreeeeeeeeeem Onnnnn” spiraling handshake cheer! It feels so great to be doing good work, it absolutely heals the soul.

Very much looking forward to watching these new seeds grow. We will continue moving forward with this project as long as there is a desire and need for it in our community. At this point this desire seems insatiable, we are looking forward to fulfilling the satiation to the best of our capabilities- which are ever in blossom!

Tune in next time to watch DreemGardens bloom!

Yours truly,


05/04/2012 13:47
Awww, that was sweet. I just read what you said about me. Thanks for promoting my site. Nice!

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spring FUNdraiser...for what exactly?

As you may know, we are holding our first FUNdraiser presently - with a goal to gain $5,000 by the end of May. That’s a pretty big number, and we’re slowly creeping up on it with a total of $135!

We wanted to let you know what we are planning to do with this money, so that you may feel more comfortable and compelled to assist us on themission. There are several major projects in operation right now, and each is eager to expand with the support of green paper. (Donate Here!)

DreemGardens - more info on project here
  • Volunteer health insurance - to ensure the DreemVolunteers are well taken care of
  • Establishing a Tool Library - purchasing new & used tools to provide for gardening projects throughout the DreemGarden Collective.
  • Fulfilling DG wishlists - we’d like to be able to assist gardeners with some basic materials needed to start or maintain their garden (for example seeds, dirt, compost tea, wood for building raised beds, etc)
  • Conducting educational workshops for volunteers - to increase the learning potential at the DG work parties

DreemTV more info here
  • Publishing and marketing - our first documentary on water awareness is being released on 4/19/12 and we’d like to spread the word
  • Supporting our editor - Jason Raggio has dedicated his free time to build the movie, and we’d like to reward him for his hard work on this and future projects
  • Further research for videos - we have other ideas we’d like to make into educational movies such as “What happens to your trash and recycling?”, a full length Water Awareness video, and more
DreemKitchen - more info here (From June 20 - July 10)
  • Boosting our kitchen supplies - last year we fed so many people, this year we want to be prepared to feed even more!
  • Transportation of kitchen - the National Rainbow Gathering is on the east coast and our kitchen supplies are on the west, driving it across country will be...y
  • Increasing educational elements - with research, educational supplies, and more
DreemReality Basics - there are numerous costs to operating a non-profit!
  • Hiring professionals - accountant, lawyer, graphic designer, etc
  • Overhead - website, utilities, office space (hopefully!)
  • Marketing and Office Supplies - event booths, brochures, t-shirts, FUNdraiser prizes, business cards, banner and posters
  • Organization & Filing fees - these are always around the corner!
  • Repaying investors - there are people that have loaned DR money to get up and running, it would be wonderful to pay them back
  • Providing financial support for those that work hard to make this Dreem a Reality!
So, we’re looking forward to raising our thermometer with your help, as we promise you from the depths of our hearts and dreems that we will do good work with your support! To learn more about Donations and tax deducations, check out our Donations FAQ page!


Monday, April 16, 2012

Earth Week, Day One - "Food and Gardens" Theme!

Melinda has been working hard with the Sustainability Council on campus at Cabrillo community college. She has taken on the Secretary position with them and they love her dedication, leadership, hard work, and beautiful newsletters. It’s also allowed us to link up with a like-minded group in the area, which is wonderful.

For a while now they have been planning for the Earth Week, from Monday April 16 until Friday April 20th. Each day has a different theme that the campus will be focusing on (click here for more info).D.r.e.e.m. Reality has jumped on board to have a booth on Monday (food and garden theme) and Thursday (water awareness theme). 

Well today is Monday and we had a truly fabulous booth day! We woke up early to make sure we had all that we needed to make an attractive and fun booth. Bringing our pop-up canopy and fold out table (thanks to Director, Ashley C), our speakers for music, our library of excellent books, newsletter sign up sheet, decorations and incense, our Dreem Banner (you may recognize from DreemKitchen 2011), and of course our awesome tri-fold poster about DreemGardens.

With the Sustainability Council rocking a bike powered blender across the way, loaned by Power People, to make organic smoothies - the setting was perfect. Sunshine, fun music, and the radical students of Santa Cruz made for a great showing. We got about 30 people signed up to either volunteer or develop their own DreemGarden. There was so much support about the idea of the collective - sharing work, tools, food, and education together as a community - that I even got a high five and “Thank You” for it! 

So many people were enthusiastic about the idea, and the poster board was a great way to show what’s been happening. We had pictures from our “Diggin’ In”, Eric’s “Fox Garden”, Hetty’s “Rock Island Farm”, and of course the original “G is for Garden” by Amanda. We listed our goals:

  • Teams of volunteers to help start home gardens and projects
  • Establish a Tool Library
  • Host workshops at the garden parties
  • Share food throughout the collective!
Near Future:
  • Start a community garden and education center
  • Establish DreemKitchen at the farmers market with food abundance, also host educational opportunities
  • “Fam-chise” DreemGardens in other locations, giving start up advice and fulfilling wishlists

Anyway, it was such a wonderful event that we have decided to go again tomorrow too in order to grab the Tuesday students. Then we’ll again show up on Thursday for Water Awareness day, to premier our DreemTV: “Water Awareness...Down the Drain” video! (More about DreemTV here)

To find out more about what DreemGardens is blossoming into, click here.


04/17/2012 00:20
way to spread the green word ladies! you motivated me via the web, i can only imagine the impact you had on those who visited your booth! garden time!!
04/26/2012 14:30
Hello my beautiful friends!
I am so happy to see the dreem come to reality and I would LOVE to be a part of it! Of course I couldn't be there physically at the moment, but when I get back to the States, I would very much like to come join he Dreem Community! I am so willing to learn the magic of earthly work and contribute whatever I can for the community!
I send my hearty love to you all and hope very much to see you very soon!
LOVE you all!!

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"Fam-chise" - What the...?

Quickly, I’d like to explain a bit about the concept of “Fam-chising” that we’ve come up with. Think Franchise...but not corporate and more beautiful.

Even though we are located in Santa Cruz, CA we obviously think the ideas and projects we are creating apply everywhere! As we gain the experience of “how to start” various projects, such asDreemGardens we would like to provide a “start up package” on how to do it in another location.

In addition to providing some how-to information on getting projects started, based on our own experience, we also would like to provide scholarships to fulfill wishlists. Let’s say one of our DreemGardens abroad like Hetty’s“Rock Island Farm” in Maine or Amanda’s “G is for Garden” in Oregon, wants to start a DreemGarden Collective and begin a Tool Library in their community. Though we are a California non-profit, we’d still like to utilize our abilities to award a scholarship to assist in the start up of that Library.

We, of course, need experience first before we can give suggestions to others...but it’s a goal on the horizon for us!

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Friday, April 13, 2012

Diggin' In - Progress Journal (4/10 - 4/13)

4/10/12. Rainy Day Birds

Rain today! Such a difference than yesterday. The conservatory is as chilly as ever with no sun. But the wall of 1 pane windows at least provides us a beautiful view of the backyard now - instead of just letting the heat out. The wall of ivy right outside the conservatory used to block the sun as well as the yard. Now I can see all the plants and seedlings - observing how they grow. I can experience the sunlight and water with them, and see the birds that nibble on them.

Though the birds are eating "our" seedlings, answering a re-occurring question about the disappearances of the stevia, I feel ok about it. We did take down their oak tree pitch away, like wiping out a community in one fell swoop. But now they are enjoying hopping around the piles of branches that still sit in the yard. I never knew so many species visited us before! They seem happy about their new playground and rainy buffet. I'm pleased to feed them, it's a good trade for the sunshine we now have.

I want to build them bird houses, to help replace their home tree. I wonder if the birds are building nests in the branches. I hope not, since they won't be there very long. The dogs bark and chase them, so maybe they won't settle in. I would rather them nest safely in a bird house than temporarily in a stick-pile-nest. That will be another project to add to the list!

4/11/12. Rainy Day Contraption

Today started out super rainy. Pum woke us up to help put the rain gutter tube back on - to prevent the conservatory from flooding. Now with the Ivy wall gone, the gutter drains on the cement. We had to quickly build a crazy contraption including a plank of wood, a chair, tape, and a rubber mallet.

The sun has been out since about 20 mins after the contraption was built. The rain filled up the huge pot and overflowed quickly. But now...sun. Crazy weather!

Melinda has had a rash on her hand (thumb web area) since Tuesday 4/3. She’s been confused about it for a while. We just figured it out! On Ivy pulling day on 3/31 she was in charge of the soil mixing while Eric and I pulled Ivy. She used her bare hands to mix in the vermiculite and manure to the new soil. Vermiculite = air puffed volcanic rock. BINGO! Hopefully it will clear up soon, but we’re glad to know the source of it now.

4/13/12. More Rain and Sun

It’s been hard to get any gardening done because of the crazy rain and sunshine dancing the past few days. Last night it rained so much that the conservatory flooded!! Obviously there is something up with the house foundation. Maybe another topic/goal for our Green Building Project.

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Monday, April 9, 2012

Diggin' In - Progress Journal (4/7 - 4/9)

4/7/12. Let the Sunshine In!

We cut down the dead, mossy oak tree today! Our friend, Cam, came to visit for a few days, bringing his 3 chainsaws and loads of land developing experience with him. Absolutely surprising how we were able to fell this rather large tree within the confounds of our little backyard - without any damage! Or injuries!

All morning we worked to cut the limbs off the big tree. Cam climbed up and did the cutting, while Melinda and I either pulled on a rope to bring the limb down a certain direction...or stood in a safe space. Our yard is only about 50' x 50' and the tree managed to perfectly fall within the boundaries of the neighbors fences, and our other trees (1 plum, 2 cherries). We let it fall on our inner-fence as we hoped it would help us to bring that down also!

After all the limbs were off and the trunk stood bear, we took a lunch break. Also had to run and get more gas for the chainsaws! Good thing Cam brought 3 because it took the different sizes to chop up the branches and trunk. Plus, Melinda and I got to learn how to use the small chainsaw! That was awesome! We managed to get back to work after our break to breakdown the obstacle course of branches and limbs, chop potential firewood, separate into piles, and rake it all up. Not to mention Cam took down half of the metal and wood fence that used to contain Ivy before the Ivy Pulling work day.

Pulling down the fence really opened up the yard, and will allow us to access the future garden beds from all angles! It feels so much bigger and we can see the house from the yard and vice versa! Additionally, we now have a truly significant amount of sun that shines on the Ivy patch, half of the yard, the back yard porch and our room patio. It's incredible.

To watch the video on this amazing progress, check out this DreemTV Episode:

Not to mention, I'm sure the neighbors are pleased to open the sky-line up. We have thought to go around and tell the neighbors about DreemGardens, and give them some firewood. This will build the community and maybe the Garden Collective!

In other news, the warm season veggies, specifically the squash, cucumber lemons, and pumpkins are ready to transplant. We are eager to manifest these raised beds. We need tools, wood, and hands. 
4/8/12. Extra Sunshine

The extra sunshine on the house has been blissful. The "conservatory" (which is an add on to the yard-side of the house), has always been the coldest room in the house, as it was shaded by the oak tree. Now it is "Passively Solar Heated" and is warmer than the living room! The porch is more enjoyable to be on too, as it gets direct sunlight from the morning on. I'll have to do another sun tracking project when the wood poles are cleaned up out of the yard!

We really need to transplant the peas from the cold season round. We're thinking about putting them in "Pug's Garden Box", which is about 18 inches deep and 8 ft long. She made it with plywood and stained the outside. I'm slightly worried about the glue in the wood, as it's known to be able to seep into the dirt, but it has a cloth inside - so maybe that will stop the leaking. Perhaps we'll line it with plastic too. We want to also put it on wheels, to allow it to move around...It'll be heavy with all that dirt in it!

We've also noticed the beets are having a hard time, perhaps because the soil is too clayee. Though the 1 kale and 3 cauliflower that share the same pot, seem to be doing ok. The cabbage in the big green pot looks great - though may need to be transplanted again when the beds are made. We've heard they need more room to fluff out. The arugula, small pot, with 1/2 compost tea and the other not - looks like the tea side is more robust. The lettuce that is still in the strawberry and water container look like they're not wanting to grow more. Probably not deep enough.

Basically, we need to really transplant into the perminany, deeper homes. Raised beds!! We're in a limbo with the raised beds, not having the money to purchase the wood or tools...but really needing it. The herb trimmings seem to be taking root, even though we put them right into the soil, not leaving them in the mix (for a month) as the directions said. 

4/9/12. Hot Conservatory!

The conservatory was so hot from the passive solar heating...we had to open windows to ventilate! Wow! We may have to consider a shading vegetation - perhaps a living roof on the room-patio. I wonder if small raised bed gardens would do the trick - warm soil!

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Monday, April 2, 2012

Diggin' In - Progress Journal (4/2 - 4/3)

4/2/12. Manager Ok!

We made contact with the property manager today! We gave him a brief outline of what we want to do and why - he gave us the green light to continue! This includes taking down the fence, pruning the dead oak, taking down more ivy, digging a compost and so on. So awesome! Eric is a certified chainsaw operator, so that’s perfect. We’re going to put together a more thorough proposal including goals, reasons, budgeting, etc.

Our warm seasons are starting to take off! Today the swiss chard for both of us and my lemon cucumber are hear...with leaves! Wow!

Tonight’s Hunt: 0 slugs, 3 snails

4/3/12. Warm Season Sprouting Galore! 

More warm season excitement (* = sprouted today), we’ve begun moving the cells with these babies in them - outside! We don’t want stretched out necks like last time...
  • * Yellow Pear Tomato (M & D)
  • * Fennel (M & D)
  • * Red Bulb Onion (M)
  • * Pumpkin - moving the earth (M & D)
  • * Basil (D)
  • Swiss chard (M & D)
  • Cucumber Lemon (D)

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