This is how we Dreem Reality

Our Mission: To educate ourselves and others on the environmental, social, and economic aspects of sustainability through the creation and sharing of research, specialty projects, and hands-on experience. To develop an Education and Research Eco-Facility to explore, enact, and demonstrate sustainability in a community setting.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Green Cleaning Product Video Progress


You may be aware that one of D.r.e.e.m. Reality’s projects is DreemTV, which is a collection of educational videos about various sustainable topics. This February we purchased a High Definition video camera, audio recorder, and recently a new Mac computer – to help us get DreemTV on the move. We also have Jason Raggio, our in-house editor, eagerly awaiting footage to masterfully put together.

Our first idea for a video is intended to be quick and simple: The importance of using Green Cleaning Projects. The goal is to provide a persuasive case for consumers to make the switch from the traditional toxic cleaners to the biodegradable variety that are increasingly more available.  Originally, we thought it would be a quick, 10 min video, but as the brainstorms rolled on we realized the potential for a more thorough examination of the topic. Here are some of the ideas for the script:
  • Interviews with UC Berkeley post-doc Martin Mulvihill, Executive Director of the Berkeley Center for Green Chemistry .
  • Interview and tour of the West County Waste Water District (WCWD) in Richmond California, with Joe Neugebauer
  • Exploration of the effectiveness, availability, and cost of various green products
  • Interviews with people that have been effected by toxic cleaning products
The challenge has been to get a volunteer film crew to help us. In February we were lucky to be chosen as one of a select few non-profits to participate in a cooperative project with Mt. Diablo High School in Concord, CA. Their Digital Safari Academy’s spring semester project challenges students to create a three part marketing package, including printed material (brochure, business cards, etc), web material (website, photos, etc), and an educational video. BINGO!

Together with our DSA team of Brenda Bach, Nina Tran, Winnie Wambui, and Qua’tasia Williams, we went WCWD to conduct an interview with Joe and to collect footage for the Green Cleaning Product video. Our goal was to gain an understanding of what happens to the water after we dump our cleaning products down the drain. Neon blue toilet bowl cleaner, the dirty water after mopping, flowery laundry detergent after the rinse cycle, and so on. Can the Treatment Plant remove the toxins from the water before it goes back into our rivers, lakes, ocean, and drinking water? Furthermore, what exactly IS the treatment process?

After that quite educational visit to WCWD we amassed an enormous amount of raw footage for the video. This 90-plus gigabytes of footage provides us an impressive start to the project. Our next step for that section of the video is to sort the relevant footage to cooperate with the material Joe covered in the interview (click here to see the transcript from the interview).

We hope that soon, we can set up an appointment to speak with Martin Mulvihill about the industry of green chemistry – where it is headed, what concerns there are, and what we all can do to make a difference. Essentially, we are seeking volunteers that may be interested in getting involved with the film creation. If you, or someone you know, is interested in building their film production resume or just want to be part of this great project – contact us! We’re always looking for more Dreemers to plug in where they feel motivated.

And we’d like to give special thanks to our DSA girls, their teacher Randy Depew, and Mark Westwind who elected D.r.e.e.m Reality for the project. Additionally, we’d like to thank Joe Neugebauer and the West County Waste Water District and for their enthusiasm to increase clean water awareness!




Green Cleaning Product Video Progress


You may be aware that one of D.r.e.e.m. Reality’s projects is DreemTV, which is a collection of educational videos about various sustainable topics. This February we purchased a High Definition video camera, audio recorder, and recently a new Mac computer – to help us get DreemTV on the move. We also have Jason Raggio, our in-house editor, eagerly awaiting footage to masterfully put together.

Our first idea for a video is intended to be quick and simple: The importance of using Green Cleaning Projects. The goal is to provide a persuasive case for consumers to make the switch from the traditional toxic cleaners to the biodegradable variety that are increasingly more available.  Originally, we thought it would be a quick, 10 min video, but as the brainstorms rolled on we realized the potential for a more thorough examination of the topic. Here are some of the ideas for the script:
  • Interviews with UC Berkeley post-doc Martin Mulvihill, Executive Director of the Berkeley Center for Green Chemistry .
  • Interview and tour of the West County Waste Water District (WCWD) in Richmond California, with Joe Neugebauer
  • Exploration of the effectiveness, availability, and cost of various green products
  • Interviews with people that have been effected by toxic cleaning products
The challenge has been to get a volunteer film crew to help us. In February we were lucky to be chosen as one of a select few non-profits to participate in a cooperative project with Mt. Diablo High School in Concord, CA. Their Digital Safari Academy’s spring semester project challenges students to create a three part marketing package, including printed material (brochure, business cards, etc), web material (website, photos, etc), and an educational video. BINGO!

Together with our DSA team of Brenda Bach, Nina Tran, Winnie Wambui, and Qua’tasia Williams, we went WCWD to conduct an interview with Joe and to collect footage for the Green Cleaning Product video. Our goal was to gain an understanding of what happens to the water after we dump our cleaning products down the drain. Neon blue toilet bowl cleaner, the dirty water after mopping, flowery laundry detergent after the rinse cycle, and so on. Can the Treatment Plant remove the toxins from the water before it goes back into our rivers, lakes, ocean, and drinking water? Furthermore, what exactly IS the treatment process?

After that quite educational visit to WCWD we amassed an enormous amount of raw footage for the video. This 90-plus gigabytes of footage provides us an impressive start to the project. Our next step for that section of the video is to sort the relevant footage to cooperate with the material Joe covered in the interview (click here to see the transcript from the interview).

We hope that soon, we can set up an appointment to speak with Martin Mulvihill about the industry of green chemistry – where it is headed, what concerns there are, and what we all can do to make a difference. Essentially, we are seeking volunteers that may be interested in getting involved with the film creation. If you, or someone you know, is interested in building their film production resume or just want to be part of this great project – contact us! We’re always looking for more Dreemers to plug in where they feel motivated.

And we’d like to give special thanks to our DSA girls, their teacher Randy Depew, and Mark Westwind who elected D.r.e.e.m Reality for the project. Additionally, we’d like to thank Joe Neugebauer and the West County Waste Water District and for their enthusiasm to increase clean water awareness!


Aloha Family!

Topics in this Newsletter:

I. Official Countdown!
II. What Do I Bring? (Personally and by Arrival Date)
III. Ride Sharing
IV. Updated Dreem Roster
V. Info Review for First-Timers

Official Countdown! 

T-minus 28 days until D.r.e.e.m. Reality arrives at the Gathering around June 20th. Also, our official survey-based head count is:

100% Sure Coming: 16
50 - 90% Sure Coming: 9
10 - 40% Sure Coming: 1

What Do I Bring?


There are definitely some things you'll want to make sure you bring into the Gathering. Once again, there is no electricity, no "running water" so to speak, and you WILL be out in the woods getting dirty. This is backwoods camping, and you'll have to hike your gear in through a trail for 1 - 2 miles. (Though, if you need help - there is plenty of family around)

With that said, please see the website for a general idea of what you may wish to bring personally.

Click here for our Personal Supplies Pack List suggestions

According to my Arrival Date.
While D.r.e.e.m. Reality plans to be at the Gathering from around June 20th until July 7th, with an established Kitchen-Village, there are so many friends and family arriving at various dates during that time frame. According to the survey results, this is the trend of DreemKitchen's projected population over that time.

*If you have trouble viewing the graph above, please click on the link below to view details*

There seems to be four "Waves" of Arrival/Departure, and each has a particular way it can contribute. (Bringing Food and/or Supplies is a HUGE way you can help the Kitchen before you even step foot in the woods).

Identify which "Wave" you are a part of, and click the link for more details on what you can bring to contribute!
  • 1st Wave (June 20 -25):  Bring Food and Supplies
  • 2nd Wave (June 25 - July 2):  Bring Food and Supplies
  • 3rd Wave (July 2 - July 5):  Bring Food
  • 4th Wave- Departure (July 5 - June 10):  Hike out Supplies
Pretty Please, Click Here for Details on What Food and Supplies to Bring
and check out the Running Master Supply List to see everything we Still Need and Already Have.
Also, you are welcome to contribute your muscles, music, mind, experience, creativity, laughter, etc to grow our community and create an amazing experience for yourself and everyone!

Getting to the Rainbow Gathering: "How To" and "Ride-Sharing"

How To.
The process of getting to the Gathering is always an adventure. As you may know, the location is never stated exactly (as in a street address), but the forest and nearest town is. Presently, there is no confirmation on the location but it should be known by early June.  When you get to the town, there will be ways of finding out where it is in the woods - from a line of vans and buses to follow, or some kind of visual aid (rock pile, artwork, etc), and of course word of mouth. But it always works out.

When you get to the Gathering, you will park your car with the others (either in a grass lot or along the road). If you have a school bus, you should make sure you bring it to "Bus Village"! There will most likely be people manning "Welcome Stations" to wave you along, answer questions, and generally make you feel...Welcome! Once you have parked and are ready to hike in, ask one of the many beautiful people shouting "Welcome Home!" at you, if they know where D.r.e.e.m. Reality is. If they don't know, you'll probably figure it out perfectly. We'll be flying our banner that has our logo, so you should be able to find it easy enough. (You may wish to hike in and find the camp before hauling all of your gear, if you have a lot)

You are welcome to either bring your own vehicle or ride with someone else. The sense of community surrounding the Rainbow Gathering, is very strong - so feel free to tap into it by either offering your vehicle as a ride (saving gas money), or getting a ride with someone else (helping with gas money).

For this purpose, I have started a little Google Group available for sharing information. However, there are also several other ways you can find a ride share from anywhere in the country! Please explore the following links if you are interested in Giving or Receiving a Ride. 
Things to consider and share when offering a Ride:
  • Where you are coming from
  • When you are leaving to GO to the Gathering
  • When you are leaving to RETURN from the Gathering
  • Number of seats you have
  • Amount of space you may have for gear
Things to consider and share when asking for a Ride
  • Where you are located
  • How many are with you
  • How much gear you have
  • When you would like to go to and leave the Gathering
  • Can you contribute gas money (which of should!)
*Safety Note - it's always important to be aware of your intuition when riding with someone you have never met before. Of course, you'll probably be fine and have an excellent experience - but just a caution.*

Dreem Roster Update

We seem to be growing quicker and quicker as a team! Below is the Official DreemTeam Roster for the Kitchen, based on those that filled out the "Super Fun Survey". However, there are many more people coming to participate with us - that haven't filled out the survey. So rest assured, there will be more than this coming!

DreemerTask TeamsHow sure coming?DatesJEnergyEducation, Donation, Village Maint0.4June 30 - July 5Rich in SpiritCamp Construc, Village Maint1June 16/21 and onAshley MFood & Kitchen, Educat, Donation, Village Maint1July 1 - 7Dani PhoenixFood & Kitchen, Educat, Donation, Village Maint1June 15 - July 15JefreeCamp Construc, Village Maint0.5June 26 and onCandace E.Camp Construc, Village Maint, Food & Kitchen1July 1 - 8Melinda PhoenixEducation, Donation, Village Maint1June 15 - July 15Ashley C.Health & First Aid1June 23 - July 5MandaVillage Mait0.7July 2 - 5NikkiHealth & First Aid, Camp Construct0.5not sureMuddy MIggyCamp Construct1June 20 and onAvacado AndyFood & Kitchen1June 28 - July 8Cali Desert GirlCamp Construct, Health & 1st Aid, Organizing0.9not sureChristoFood & Kitchen, Camp Construc, Education0.9June 28th and onMichelle SunshineCamp Construct, Village Maint0.8June 28 - July 9RaphaelEducation, Village Maint0.9June 27 - July 7Chef CrystalFood & Kitchen, Health & First Aid1June 23 - July 5Ann ValliantCamp Const & Organiz1early to set upJessica DFood & Kitchen, Health & First Aid1July 1 - 7Shiree Tree RezendezEducation, Camp Const, Food & Kitchen1June 20/27 - July 6/7Christina RemirezFood & Kitchen, Camp Const0.5July 2 - 5Hunter CopelandHealth & First Aid, Camp Construct, Org1When neededTiggerVillage Mait1"First Day"MelinaCamp Construct, Food & Kitchen1June 20 - July 10Em JFood & Kitchen1June 26 - July 6

V. Info Review for First-Timers

If this is your first Rainbow Gathering - have no fear, it is a very easy going place that will make you feel welcomed no matter what. It's ok if you don't know what to expect, no one does really - it's new every time. But there are some things that can help you prepare or answer some of your questions.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to email me for more information.

Hope you are enjoying all the wonderful moments of life,

Dani Phoenix

View the Newsletter Archive Here. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Cob Oven Building Workshop in Fairfax, California

We spent this past weekend getting dirty in Fairfax, California!

Living Earth Structures, head by Miguel Elliot, lead a two-day Cob Oven Building Workshop at the Sustainability Center of Fairfax. A truly wonderful experience exploring how a simple mixture of sandy-earth, clay, water, and human touch can act as valuable sustainable building material. More about Cob here

After an introduction the workshop quickly got dirty as we all dove into the project. Mixing the ingredients together at various ratios according to the different applications for the oven.
  • A basic covering for the cinder-block foundation
  • A thick coating to shape the dome and embed the hot-water copper tube in
  • An fluffy insulation layer to keep the heat in the dome
Each cob mixture was carefully examined for its consistency by a waste-high cob-ball drop to the ground - checking its cracking upon the fateful plop. If it fell apart it needed more earth. If it didn't dent, more water. We celebrated the flexibility of the creation process with a vigorous mud stomp, reminiscent of the traditional grape-squishing-into-wine technique. To add to the fun, Miguel lead us all in some traditional African work songs he learned during his time spent teaching and learning there.

Though we "only" built a snail-molded pizza oven, cob can be shaped into an infinite number of structures including benches, tables, saunas, gazebos, domes, hot tubs, interior design, and yes - homes. Miguel, or "Muddy Miggy", has been knee deep in creative cob structures for years. He reaches out to educate at community events, schools, and honestly anywhere he has an opportunity to share. He is self-admittedly "cobsessed"!

We are so grateful for the opportunity to have had learn about one of the more traditional natural building practices. We'll be sure to take this knowledge with us as we grow and create! So many thanks to Miguel for being such a leader in the world of sustainable building. 

For more information about cob building or to contact Miguel and Living Earth Structures, please visit


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Rainbow Kitchen DreemTeam Newsletter

Aloha Family!

Topics in this Newsletter:

I. Official Countdown!
II. What Do I Bring? (Personally and by Arrival Date)
III. Ride Sharing
IV. Updated Dreem Roster

Official Countdown! 

T-minus 39 days until D.r.e.e.m. Reality arrives at the Gathering around June 20th. Also, our official survey-based head count is:

100% Sure Coming: 16
50 - 90% Sure Coming: 9
10 - 40% Sure Coming:1

What Do I Bring?


There are definitely some things you'll want to make sure you bring into the Gathering. Once again, there is no electricity, no "running water" so to speak, and you WILL be out in the woods getting dirty. This is backwoods camping, and you'll have to hike your gear in through a trail for 1 - 2 miles. (Though, if you need help - there is plenty of family around)

With that said, please see the website for a general idea of what you may wish to bring personally.

Click here for our Personal Supplies Pack List suggestions

According to my Arrival Date.
While we D.r.e.e.m. Reality plans to be at the Gathering from around June 20th until July 7th, with an established Kitchen-Village, there are so many friends and family arriving at various dates during that time frame. According to the survey results, this is the trend of DreemKitchen's projected population over that time.

*If you have trouble viewin the graph above, please click on the link below to view details*

There seems to be four "Waves" of Arrival/Departure, and each has a particular way it can contribute. (Bringing Food and/or Supplies is a HUGE way you can help the Kitchen before you even step foot in the woods).

Identify which "Wave" you are a part of, and click the link for more details on what you can bring to contribute!
  • 1st Wave (June 20 -25):  Bring Food and Supplies
  • 2nd Wave (June 25 - July 2):  Bring Food and Supplies
  • 3rd Wave (July 2 - July 5):  Bring Food
  • 4th Wave- Departure (July 5 - June 10):  Hike out Supplies
Pretty Please, Click Here for Details on What Food and Supplies to Bring
and check out the Running Master Supply List to see everything we Still Need and Already Have.
Also, you are welcome to contribute your muscles, music, mind, experience, creativity, laughter, etc to grow our community and create an amazing experience for yourself and everyone!

Getting to the Rainbow Gathering: "How To" and "Ride-Sharing"

How To.
The process of getting to the Gathering is always an adventure. As you may know, the location is never stated exactly (as in a street address), but the forest and nearest town is. Presently, there is no confirmation on the location but it should be known by early June.  When you get to the town, there will be ways of finding out where it is in the woods - from a line of vans and buses to follow, or some kind of visual aid (rock pile, artwork, etc), and of course word of mouth. But it always works out.

When you get to the Gathering, you will park your car with the others (either in a grass lot or along the road). If you have a school bus, you should make sure you bring it to "Bus Village"! There will most likely be people manning "Welcome Stations" to wave you along, answer questions, and generally make you feel...Welcome! Once you have parked and are ready to hike in, ask one of the many beautiful people shouting "Welcome Home!" at you, if they know where D.r.e.e.m. Reality is. If they don't know, you'll probably figure it out perfectly! We'll be flying our banner that has our logo, so you should be able to find it easy enough.

You are welcome to either bring your own vehicle or ride with someone else. The sense of community surrounding the Rainbow Gathering, is very strong - so feel free to tap into it by either offering your vehicle as a ride (saving gas money), or getting a ride with someone else (helping with gas money).

For this purpose, I have started a little Google Group available for sharing information. However, there are also several other ways you can find a ride share from anywhere in the country! Please explore the following links if you are interested in Giving or Receiving a Ride. 

Things to consider and share when offering a Ride:
  • Where you are coming from
  • When you are leaving to GO to the Gathering
  • When you are leaving to RETURN from the Gathering
  • Number of seats you have
  • Amount of space you may have for gear
Things to consider and share when asking for a Ride
  • Where you are located
  • How many are with you
  • How much gear you have
  • When you would like to go to and leave the Gathering
  • Can you contribute gas money (which of should!)
*Safety Note - it's always important to be aware of your intuition when riding with someone you have never met before. Of course, you'll probably be fine and have an excellent experience - but just a caution.*

Dreem Roster Update

We seem to be growing quicker and quicker as a team! Below is the Official DreemTeam Roster for the Kitchen, based on those that filled out the "Super Fun Survey". However, there are many more people coming to participate with us - that haven't filled out the survey. So rest assured, there will be more than this coming!

DreemerTask TeamsHow sure coming?Dates

JEnergyEducation, Donation, Village Maint0.4June 30 - July 5Rich in SpiritCamp Construc, Village Maint1June 16/21 and onAshley MFood & Kitchen, Educat, Donation, Village Maint1July 1 - 7Dani PhoenixFood & Kitchen, Educat, Donation, Village Maint1June 15 - July 15JefreeCamp Construc, Village Maint0.5June 26 and onCandace E. Camp Construc, Village Maint, Food & Kitchen1July 1 - 8Melinda PhoenixEducation, Donation, Village Maint1June 15 - July 15Ashley C. Health & First Aid1June 23 - July 5MandaVillage Mait0.7July 2 - 5NikkiHealth & First Aid, Camp Construct0.5not sureMuddy MIggyCamp Construct1June 20 and onAvacado AndyFood & Kitchen1June 28 - July 8Cali Desert GirlCamp Construct, Health & 1st Aid, Organizing0.9not sureChristoFood & Kitchen, Camp Construc, Education0.9June 28th and onMichelle SunshineCamp Construct, Village Maint0.8June 28 - July 9Raphael Education, Village Maint0.9June 27 - July 7Chef CrystalFood & Kitchen, Health & First Aid1June 23 - July 5Ann ValliantCamp Const & Organiz1early to set upJessica DFood & Kitchen, Health & First Aid1July 1 - 7Shiree Tree RezendezEducation, Camp Const, Food & Kitchen1June 20/27 - July 6/7Christina RemirezFood & Kitchen, Camp Const0.5July 2 - 5Hunter CopelandHealth & First Aid, Camp Construct, Org1When neededTiggerVillage Mait1"First Day"MelinaCamp Construct, Food & Kitchen1June 20 - July 10Em JFood & Kitchen1June 26 - July 6

Hope you are enjoying all the wonderful moments of life,

Dani Phoenix