Since we have returned from Hawaii, a time spent interacting closely with the Earth, a new sense of confidence and determination to create composts has arisen. It seems now that I want to insist on a compost bin and pile wherever I can stick a shovel in the ground!
This past Thanksgiving provided lots of composting opportunities, because of so much food and prep. So, Melinda and I set to work digging a compost in the back yard of our family-friend's house. Being experienced with composting, the hosts (Ashley and Crystal) were able to give us a few pointers as we volunteered the labor.
Ashley directed that we should dig two holes next to each other, each about 2 feet by 2 feet, and 2 - 3 feet deep. The first hole would be used for the new scraps and when broken down a bit, transfered to the second hole to finish the job.
Crystal had some great suggestions as to what not to put in composts (listed below).
Once the holes were dug, we set up the temporary container inside the house. You can use anything with a lid really: tupperware, 5 gallon paint bucket, etc. The trick is to not be lazy, and make sure to empty it into the mother compost, outside when it's time!
The process is so simple, and the rewards so great! The amount of waste that just returns to the Earth, making dirt naturally, is impressive - and not going into a trash bag to sit in a landfill. There are many resources online about
how to make a compost, as there are several methods from just digging a couple of holes in the building a just buying one (it's always nice to make your own though!).
Composting Do's and Don'ts
What CAN go in the compost:
Most all food scraps such as...
Yard waste can too...
grass clippings and leaves
pulled plants or weeds (not seeded)
hay, straw, and dirt
sawdust from untreated wood
pine needles
manure from a grain fed animal (chickens)
*make sure to balance the compost by not putting in too much yard waste, it needs both carbon material and nitrogen material. Variety is good for balance! *
What CAN NOT go in the compost:
meat and bones
Labels: ~Dani, Compost, Educational, Projects