D.r.e.e.m. Reality at Fresno Pride!
This past Saturday, June 5th, was the first time D.r.e.e.m. Reality had an official booth at any public event!
Four of our Directors, all who are very proud, manned a booth at Fresno's Gay Pride Festival. I feel we had one of the most beautiful booths around with colorful tapestries, drums, and hand-made incense, oils, and bath soaks hand-made by our Director Ashley.
In order to prepare for the event, we found ourselves in full force to get the basic public image tools in place. We now have:
- A website published at www.DreemReality.org
- Business Cards
- An "About Us" Pamphlet
- A "How to Compost" Pamphlet
- Refined Logo, and Rainbow Colored rendition for Pride
- An understanding about making Tshirts
The main goal of being part of an event is to start getting our name and presence out there. And as always, to learn.
We hope that if anyone does wonder to the website or blog from the Pride Event, they give us a holler!
Labels: Community, Events, Marketing, Progress Report, Progress Report. Logo