Dreem Reality Meeting
Date: Tuesday 1/13/2009 Time Start: 12:59 am (Pacific) Time End: 1:56 am
Location: San Jose International Airport
Attending: Phoenix – President; Dani – Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer
This was a really exciting meeting for the both of us. We have had a few unofficial meetings already to get Dreem Reality up and running, but This one was the first timed meeting with some structure to it. It was a powerful meeting to have, at 1am in an airport. It was the perfect location since what we are wanting to do is travel. Having the excitement for our up coming travels gave us that perfect buzz for ideas and action with what we have to do and get done to finally get incorporated.
As the airport was fully asleep, with people cleaning everywhere with vacuums and such, we were creating, creating, creating.
Dreem Reality has been great at busting through old concepts of taking on a project that seems big and overwhelming. Through the concepts of
Dreem Reality I have come to realize that every
business, corporation and dream has all
stemmed from a small thought. Through that thought and idea things in reality get built
upon more and more. Finally turning into a concrete substance that you can use and see in your world. Set backs are no longer a worry for me, because there will have to be some, it is all a part of the process to me now and I welcome any that come our way. It has been such a joy to watch
Dreem Reality start to grow and know that it will only continue to do so as long as we have the desire to keep it growing. Through
Dreem Reality not only am I able to actualize my dreams of travel, but it has helped me realize that any dream, big or small can be actually created, as long as you hold the dream strong and kept pushing to create it in your world, your reality.
I know the future only holds more room for growth for
Dreem Reality, and for all of our dreams that we
develop along the way.
Here is an outline for the meeting on 1/13/09:
I. Yay Meeting!
· First unofficial meeting!
· Great location – the airport represents adventure and our Dreem (to travel)
II. Steps left to become official:
1) File Articles of incorporation
2) Complete Bylaws
3) File State Tax Exempt application
4) File Federal Tax Exempt application
· Need to set up a counseling appointment with SCORE to get their approval before filing
III. Mission Statement
· Do we need a lawyer?
· Need to set up a special brainstorming meeting (Probably on 1/15)
· Necessary for website content and Bylaw completion
IV. Website
· Status – have emails and control panel ready
· Content – NEEDED! Only thing holding us back from having something up
· Ask Chris – what gmail account was used to set up the apps? DreemReality?
V. Brainstorm
1) Project Ideas – pet owner travel, elderly dreems
2) Workshops – networking, instructional. A 3-day retreat to network and create pathworks to dreems.
3) What does DR do?
· Educate by:
- Info hub concerning different topics – ever expanding (music, travel, marketing)
- Blog/video – personal experience/education – our Lucid Dreem!
- Workshops – (travel option!) Proceeds go to charity & furtherance of cause
- Networking – forum and Shawn networking system (?)
4) Discussed contribution/roles so far:
· Phoenix – image, big ideas
· Dani – research, behind the scenes
VI. Wrap-up
· Mission statement – need to brainstorm!! Top priority
· Meetings are good! They help us focus and really get on the same track to accomplish
· Hour long meetings is the goal – enough time to get stuff done, short enough to keep attention
· Snacks were good and not distracting: carrots, cheese, crackers – good brain food.
· Ideas for next Monday's meeting (1/19):
- Phoenix book review – specific content
- New facets/activities that DR does
- New ways to do charity (not only for public, but also community perks for volunteers and Dreemers)
· Ideas for Thursday's meeting (1/15):