This is how we Dreem Reality

Our Mission: To educate ourselves and others on the environmental, social, and economic aspects of sustainability through the creation and sharing of research, specialty projects, and hands-on experience. To develop an Education and Research Eco-Facility to explore, enact, and demonstrate sustainability in a community setting.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"Diggin' In" - Vision for my organic garden

Homework assignment for Edible Landscaping! Perfect opportunity to share some plans and visions for "Diggin' In"!

What is the vision for my organic garden?

“Diggin’ In”

Creating an organic garden at my home fuels a vision that is fulfilling to many paths in my life. It provides me the opportunity to activate self-sufficiency, nutritional health, education, sharing of information, connection to the elements, and community - all values I treasure. Not only do I reap the delicious rewards of the garden by way of organic, yummy produce - my main source of energy - I simultaneously devour the educational bounty gleaned through the entire process. A bounty I intend to share with others.

Being that this is the first garden I have created, I am both intimidated and enthusiastic about the journey. But, by documenting it all through photos, journals, and blogs I can utilize my own educational process to inform and motivate others. Additionally, by encouraging community involvement I can offer a way to educate and bring people together. This is where D.r.e.e.m. Reality comes in - an educational non-profit for sustainability that is my vessel to “change the world”!

Thus far on the “Diggin’ In” project that is my garden, I have tracked the sun across the back yard, front yard, and roof of my home. I am new to this house and am still getting familiar with it and the owners. By taking a series of pictures in the same spots every hour from 8am - 6pm I am able to see the best locations to plant (the compilation of these “time lapse” photos will be available on YouTube, asap). 

Planting will most likely be in large pots and a raised bed, as we have a gofer that reigns supreme in our yard. I’ve researched how to make a raised bed and intend to seek lumber and tools as donations to assist our educational mission. When the time and weather comes to build the 6’ x 4’ garden box and plant, D.r.e.e.m. Reality will host a garden creation party! We will bring volunteers together to create and learn with us as a community. Perhaps even bring in a Jim Neves at Soil/Tree Solutions (Who says Hi to you Lisa) to share his knowledge of soil.
Just as the “cold season” seedlings root into their temporary cubed homes blossoming, preparing for their transformation - our small garden acts as transitional space for a larger scale Dreem Community Garden vision. The purpose of which will offer not only access to organic, fresh produce to the community but a location to learn from and educate others. Additionally, we can offer our home garden creation services to others throughout the community. My visions grow vividly from there...

I would like, however, to share the more delicious visions for the garden as well! Discovering that we happen to have both a plum and cherry tree, I am curious to try pruning and research the removal of “old man’s beard” moss. The seedlings are promising quite the variety of harvest in leafy greens, beets, onions and chives, how delightful! The idea of having access to fresh, inexpensive, organic produce in my own yard is mind bogglingly simple and beautiful. I am thrilled at the sight, in my mind, of rows of veggies inhabiting my driveway and healthy plums blossoming in my yard.


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